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    30 004

CE Lua выход из рутины до ближайшего цикла


1 019 просмотров


1) переход на следующий адрес по инструкциям ветвления вычисляется Lua кодом по ret, jmp, jmp condition до исполнения кода

2) определение опкодов ветвления по readmem без дизассемблериования

3) по тестам последний брейкпоинт снимается на ближайшем цикле


Пример лога до близжайшего цикла, когда поднимается из рутины вверх

Скрытый текст

> RET    :00454684 - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :0045468C - 5B - pop ebx
> RET    :0045468F - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :00454695 - C3 - ret  
> RET    :00454695 - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :00437F36 - 5B - pop ebx
> RET    :00437F37 - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :004272EB - 5B - pop ebx
> RET    :004272EC - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :004273E9 - 5E - pop esi
> RET    :004273EA - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :00437A2E - 5F - pop edi
> RET    :00437A34 - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :0043B749 - 5B - pop ebx
> RET    :0043B74D - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :00427195 - 5F - pop edi
> RET    :00427198 - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :004376BB - 8B 45 FC  - mov eax,[ebp-04]
> RET    :004376C2 - C2 0400 - ret 0004
> -->>    :0043B880 - 89 46 0C  - mov [esi+0C],eax
> RET    :0043B88A - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :0043BFF4 - 84 C0  - test al,al
> isCJMP    :0043BFF6 - 75 09 - jne 0043C001
> RET    :0043C003 - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :0044DFAD - 5E - pop esi
> RET    :0044DFAF - C3 - ret  
> -->>    :00437A2E - 5F - pop edi 




Скрытый текст

	Версия: 0.01.b1
	Выход из рутины до близжайшего цикла

mainAddress = 0x0045B5A4 -- адрес некоторого параметра в игре
nextAddress = nil
is64bits = targetIs64Bit()

tableInstruction ={}
tableBreakpointsAddress ={}

function ContaintsBeakPoint(address)
	for i = 1, #tableBreakpointsAddress do
		if tableBreakpointsAddress[i] == address then
			return true
	return false

-- Возвращает адрес по ret
function GetNextAddressFromRET(address)
	if is64bits then
		nextAddress = readPointer(RSP)
		nextAddress = readPointer(ESP)
	return nextAddress
-- Возвращает адрес по Jmp
function GetNextAddressFromJMP(address)
	local disassembledstring = nil
	if is64bits then
		local disassembledstring = disassemble(RIP)
		local disassembledstring = disassemble(EIP)
	local _, opcode, _, _ = splitDisassembledString(disassembledstring)
	return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode)

function ToBits(num, bits)
	local t = {}
	for b = bits, 1, -1 do
		rest = math.fmod(num,2)
		t[b] = math.floor(rest)
		num = (num-rest)/2
	if num == 0 then
		return t
		return {'Not enough bits to represent this number'}

function GetEFLAGS()
	local bitsTable = ToBits(EFLAGS, 16)

	local tableEFLAGS =
		OF = bitsTable[17-12],
		DF = bitsTable[17-11],
		SF = bitsTable[17-8],
		ZF = bitsTable[17-7],
		AF = bitsTable[17-5],
		PF = bitsTable[17-3],
		CF = bitsTable[17-1]
	--for k,v in pairs(tableEFLAGS) do
	--	print (k..' = '..v)
	--local s = ''
	--for i=1,#bitsTable do
	--	s = s..bitsTable[i]
	return tableEFLAGS	

-- Возвращает адрес из опкода jmp dword ptr [edi*4+07895D88] или jmp 07895D88
--print(string.format('%08X', newAddress))
function GetAddressFromOpcode (opcode)

	local rightLine = string.match(opcode, '%S*%s*(%S*)')
	local isPointer = string.match(opcode, '%[')
	if isPointer then
		rightLine = string.match(opcode, '%[(.*)%]')
		--00454664 - 8B 83 60030000        - mov eax,[ebx+00000360]
		if string.match(opcode, 'eax') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'eax', EAX) end
		if string.match(opcode, 'ebx') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'ebx', EBX) end
		if string.match(opcode, 'ecx') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'ecx', ECX) end
		if string.match(opcode, 'edx') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'edx', EDX) end
		if string.match(opcode, 'esi') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'esi', ESI) end
		if string.match(opcode, 'edi') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'edi', EDI) end
		if string.match(opcode, 'esp') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'esp', ESP) end
		if string.match(opcode, 'ebp') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'ebp', EBP) end
		if is64bits then
			if string.match(opcode, 'rax') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'rax', RAX) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'rbx') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'rbx', RBX) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'rcx') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'rcx', RCX) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'rdx') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'rdx', RDX) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'rsi') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'rsi', RSI) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'rdi') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'rdi', RDI) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'rsp') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'rsp', RSP) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'rbp') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'rbp', RBP) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'r8') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'r8', R8) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'r9') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'r9', R9) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'r10') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'r10', R10) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'r11') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'r11', R11) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'r12') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'r12', R12) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'r13') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'r13', R13) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'r14') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'r14', R14) end
			if string.match(opcode, 'r15') then rightLine = string.gsub(rightLine, 'r15', R15) end
		return getAddress('%['..rightLine..'%]')
	return getAddress(rightLine)

-- Возвращает адрес по Jmp condition, когда тот выполняется или не выполняется
function GetNextAddressFromConditionJMP(address, size)

	local _,opcode,_,_ = splitDisassembledString(disassemble(address))
	local leftString = string.match(opcode, '%S*')
	local eflags = GetEFLAGS()
	if (leftString == 'jnz' or leftString == 'jne') 										then	if eflags.ZF == 0 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'je' or leftString == 'jz') 								then if eflags.ZF == 1 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jg' or leftString == 'jnle')								then if eflags.ZF == 0 and eflags.SF == eflags.OF 	then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jb' or leftString == 'jc' or leftString == 'jnae') 	then if eflags.CF == 1 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jae')															then	if eflags.CF == 0											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end 
		elseif (leftString == 'ja') 															then if eflags.CF == 0 and eflags.ZF == 0 				then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jbe') 															then if eflags.CF == 1 and eflags.ZF == 1 				then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end	
		elseif (leftString == 'jl' or leftString == 'jnge') 								then if eflags.SF ~= eflags.OF 								then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jle' or leftString == 'jng') 								then if eflags.ZF == 1 or eflags.SF ~= eflags.OF 		then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jna') 															then if eflags.CF == 1 or eflags.ZF == 1 					then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jc') 															then if eflags.CF == 1 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jp' or leftString == 'jpe') 								then	if eflags.PF == 1											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jnp' or leftString == 'jpo') 								then if eflags.PF == 0 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jnb' or leftString == 'jnc') 								then if eflags.CF == 0 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jnbe') 														then if eflags.CF == 0 and eflags.ZF == 0 				then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jno') 															then	if eflags.OF == 0 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end	
		elseif (leftString == 'jns') 															then	if eflags.SF == 0 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jo') 															then if eflags.OF == 1 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'js') 															then if eflags.SF == 1 											then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jge' or leftString == 'jnl') 								then if eflags.CF == 1 and eflags.OF == 1 				then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jrcxz') 														then if RCX == 0 												then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
		elseif (leftString == 'jecxz') 														then if ECX == 0 												then return GetAddressFromOpcode(opcode) end
	return address + size

function IsRet(address)
   local value = readBytes(address,1, false)
   return value == 0xC3 or value == 0xCB or  value == 0xC2 or value == 0xCA

function IsCall(address)
   local value = readBytes(address,1, false)
   return value == 0xFF or value == 0xE8 -- or  value == 0x9A

function IsJMP(address)
	local value = readBytes (address, 1, false)
	if value == 0xFF then
		if readBytes (address + 1, 1, false) == 05 then
			return false
	return value == 0xEB or value == 0xE9 or  value == 0xFF -- or value == 0xEA
	078921A8 - EB 38                 		- jmp 078921E2
	0789242D - E9 E2000000     			- jmp 07892514
	07894F4C - FF E2                 			- jmp edx
	07895C67 - FF 24 BD 885D8907     - jmp dword ptr [edi*4+07895D88]

function IsConditionJMP(address)
	local value = readBytes (address, 1, false)
		value == 0x77 or value == 0x73 or value == 0x72 or value == 0x76 or
		value == 0xE3 or value == 0x74 or value == 0x7F or value == 0x7D or
		value == 0x7C or value == 0x7E or value == 0x75 or value == 0x71 or
		value == 0x7B or value == 0x79 or value == 0x70 or value == 0x7A or
		value == 0x78 or value == 0x0F

-- Возвращает адрес, на который, будет прыжок
function GetNextAddress(addressXIP)
	-- Определить на какой инструкции мы находимся, чтобы узнать на какую следующу инструкцию ставить бряк
	-- ret				- прыжок по смещению ESP/RSP
	-- jmp				- прыжок без условия
	-- je, jne, jxx	- прыжок с улосвием
	-- Определить размер инструкции, тип инструкции на текущем addressXIP
	local findIndex = -1
	for i = 1, #tableInstruction do
		if tableInstruction[i].XIP == addressXIP then
			findIndex = i
	local size = 0
	local isRet = false
	local isJMP = false
	local isCJMP = false
	if findIndex ==  -1 then
		-- Если нет данных
		---------------- ЗАПОМИНАТЬ РАЗМЕР ИНСТРУКЦИИ (чтобы не дизассемблировать повторно)
		size = getInstructionSize(addressXIP)
		isRet = IsRet(addressXIP)
		isJMP = IsJMP(addressXIP)
		isCJMP = IsConditionJMP(addressXIP)
		table.insert(tableInstruction, {XIP = addressXIP, SIZE = size, ISRET = isRet, ISJMP = isJMP,  ISCJMP = isCJMP})
		-- Если данные есть
		size = tableInstruction[findIndex].SIZE
		isRet = tableInstruction[findIndex].ISRET
		isJMP = tableInstruction[findIndex].ISJMP
		isCJMP = tableInstruction[findIndex].ISCJMP
	if isRet then
		print('> RET	:' ..disassemble(nextAddress))
		nextAddress = GetNextAddressFromRET(addressXIP)
		print('> -->>	:' ..disassemble(nextAddress))
	elseif isJMP then
		print('> isJMP	:' ..disassemble(nextAddress))
		nextAddress =  GetNextAddressFromJMP(addressXIP)
	elseif isCJMP then
		print('> isCJMP	:' ..disassemble(nextAddress))
		nextAddress = GetNextAddressFromConditionJMP(addressXIP, size)
		nextAddress = addressXIP + size
	return nextAddress

function debugger_onBreakpoint()

	local isContaintsBreakPoint = false
	-- Удалить прошлый брейкпоинт
	if(nextAddress ~= nil) then
		 isContaintsBreakPoint = ContaintsBeakPoint(nextAddress)
		 if isContaintsBreakPoint then
	-- Поставить брейкпоинт на следующую инструкцию не входя в call-ы
	local XIP = 0
	if is64bits then XIP = EIP	else	XIP = RIP end
	nextAddress = GetNextAddress(XIP)
	if not ContaintsBeakPoint(nextAddress) then
		debug_setBreakpoint(nextAddress, 1, bptExecute, bpmDebugRegister)
		table.insert(tableBreakpointsAddress, nextAddress)
	return 1 --1 не показывать дизассемблер

if getOpenedProcessID() == 0 then

debug_setBreakpoint(mainAddress, 4, bptWrite, bpmDebugRegister)




Скрытый текст

77 cb JA rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if above (CF=0 and ZF=0).
73 cb JAE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if above or equal (CF=0).
72 cb JB rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if below (CF=1).
76 cb JBE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if below or equal (CF=1 or ZF=1).
72 cb JC rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if carry (CF=1).
E3 cb JCXZ rel8 D N.E. Valid Jump short if CX register is 0.
E3 cb JECXZ rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if ECX register is 0.
E3 cb JRCXZ rel8 D Valid N.E. Jump short if RCX register is 0.
74 cb JE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if equal (ZF=1).
7F cb JG rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if greater (ZF=0 and SF=OF).
7D cb JGE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if greater or equal (SF=OF).
7C cb JL rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if less (SF≠ OF).
7E cb JLE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if less or equal (ZF=1 or SF≠ OF).
76 cb JNA rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not above (CF=1 or ZF=1).
72 cb JNAE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not above or equal (CF=1).
73 cb JNB rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not below (CF=0).
77 cb JNBE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not below or equal (CF=0 andZF=0).
73 cb JNC rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not carry (CF=0).
75 cb JNE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not equal (ZF=0).
7E cb JNG rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not greater (ZF=1 or SF≠ OF).
7C cb JNGE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not greater or equal (SF≠ OF).
7D cb JNL rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not less (SF=OF).
7F cb JNLE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not less or equal (ZF=0 and SF=OF).
71 cb JNO rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not overflow (OF=0).
7B cb JNP rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not parity (PF=0).
79 cb JNS rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not sign (SF=0).
75 cb JNZ rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if not zero (ZF=0).
70 cb JO rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if overflow (OF=1).
7A cb JP rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if parity (PF=1).
7A cb JPE rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if parity even (PF=1).
7B cb JPO rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if parity odd (PF=0).
78 cb JS rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if sign (SF=1).
74 cb JZ rel8 D Valid Valid Jump short if zero (ZF = 1).
0F 87 cw JA rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if above (CF=0 and ZF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 87 cd JA rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if above (CF=0 and ZF=0).
0F 83 cw JAE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if above or equal (CF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 83 cd JAE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if above or equal (CF=0).
0F 82 cw JB rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if below (CF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 82 cd JB rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if below (CF=1).
0F 86 cw JBE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if below or equal (CF=1 or ZF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 86 cd JBE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if below or equal (CF=1 or ZF=1).
0F 82 cw JC rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if carry (CF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 82 cd JC rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if carry (CF=1).
0F 84 cw JE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if equal (ZF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 84 cd JE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if equal (ZF=1).
0F 84 cw JZ rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if 0 (ZF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 84 cd JZ rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if 0 (ZF=1).
0F 8F cw JG rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if greater (ZF=0 and SF=OF). Notsupported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8F cd JG rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if greater (ZF=0 and SF=OF).
0F 8D cw JGE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if greater or equal (SF=OF). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8D cd JGE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if greater or equal (SF=OF).
0F 8C cw JL rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if less (SF≠ OF). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8C cd JL rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if less (SF≠ OF).
0F 8E cw JLE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if less or equal (ZF=1 or SF≠ OF). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8E cd JLE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if less or equal (ZF=1 or SF≠ OF). 
0F 86 cw JNA rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not above (CF=1 or ZF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 86 cd JNA rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not above (CF=1 or ZF=1).
0F 82 cw JNAE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not above or equal (CF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 82 cd JNAE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not above or equal (CF=1).
0F 83 cw JNB rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not below (CF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 83 cd JNB rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not below (CF=0).
0F 87 cw JNBE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not below or equal (CF=0 and ZF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 87 cd JNBE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not below or equal (CF=0 and ZF=0).
0F 83 cw JNC rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not carry (CF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 83 cd JNC rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not carry (CF=0).
0F 85 cw JNE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not equal (ZF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 85 cd JNE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not equal (ZF=0).
0F 8E cw JNG rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not greater (ZF=1 or SF≠ OF). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8E cd JNG rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not greater (ZF=1 or SF≠ OF).
0F 8C cw JNGE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not greater or equal (SF≠ OF). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8C cd JNGE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not greater or equal (SF≠ OF). 
0F 8D cw JNL rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not less (SF=OF). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8D cd JNL rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not less (SF=OF).
0F 8F cw JNLE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not less or equal (ZF=0 and SF=OF). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8F cd JNLE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not less or equal (ZF=0 and SF=OF).
0F 81 cw JNO rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not overflow (OF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 81 cd JNO rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not overflow (OF=0).
0F 8B cw JNP rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not parity (PF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8B cd JNP rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not parity (PF=0).
0F 89 cw JNS rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not sign (SF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 89 cd JNS rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not sign (SF=0).
0F 85 cw JNZ rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if not zero (ZF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 85 cd JNZ rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if not zero (ZF=0).
0F 80 cw JO rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if overflow (OF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 80 cd JO rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if overflow (OF=1).
0F 8A cw JP rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if parity (PF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8A cd JP rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if parity (PF=1).
0F 8A cw JPE rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if parity even (PF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8A cd JPE rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if parity even (PF=1).
0F 8B cw JPO rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if parity odd (PF=0). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 8B cd JPO rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if parity odd (PF=0).
0F 88 cw JS rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if sign (SF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 88 cd JS rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if sign (SF=1).
0F 84 cw JZ rel16 D N.S. Valid Jump near if 0 (ZF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
0F 84 cd JZ rel32 D Valid Valid Jump near if 0 (ZF=1).



Если трейсить трейслогом 1000 инструкций поверх call, то видим многократное повторение пути внутри цикла между 00437A34 и 0044DFAF.

Скрытый текст



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