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"Infinite Max Shield" Numpad 1
Скрытый текст
{ Game : halo.exe Version: Date : 2018-01-17 Author : Garik66 This script does blah blah blah } [ENABLE] aobscanmodule(Shield,halo.exe,D8 9E E4 00 00 00 DF E0 C1) // should be unique alloc(newmem,00) label(code) label(return) label(Flag) label(Charging) registersymbol(Shield) newmem: cmp [Flag],1 jne @f mov [Flag],0 mov [esi+000000E4],0 jmp code @@: cmp [esi+000000E4],(float)5 je @f fld [esi+000000E4] fadd [Charging] fstp [esi+000000E4] jmp code @@: mov [esi+000000E4],(float)5 code: fcomp dword ptr [esi+000000E4] jmp return Flag: dd 1 Charging: dd (float)0.1 Shield: jmp newmem db 90 return: [DISABLE] Shield: db D8 9E E4 00 00 00 unregistersymbol(Shield) dealloc(newmem) { // ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "halo.exe"+B0093 "halo.exe"+B0071: E8 2A 2D FB FF - call halo.exe+62DA0 "halo.exe"+B0076: 83 C4 04 - add esp,04 "halo.exe"+B0079: 84 C0 - test al,al "halo.exe"+B007B: 74 7C - je halo.exe+B00F9 "halo.exe"+B007D: A1 54 93 71 00 - mov eax,[halo.exe+319354] "halo.exe"+B0082: F6 40 58 04 - test byte ptr [eax+58],04 "halo.exe"+B0086: 75 71 - jne halo.exe+B00F9 "halo.exe"+B0088: D9 07 - fld dword ptr [edi] "halo.exe"+B008A: 33 D2 - xor edx,edx "halo.exe"+B008C: 66 8B 96 06 01 00 00 - mov dx,[esi+00000106] // ---------- INJECTING HERE ---------- "halo.exe"+B0093: D8 9E E4 00 00 00 - fcomp dword ptr [esi+000000E4] // ---------- DONE INJECTING ---------- "halo.exe"+B0099: DF E0 - fnstsw ax "halo.exe"+B009B: C1 EA 0C - shr edx,0C "halo.exe"+B009E: 83 E2 01 - and edx,01 "halo.exe"+B00A1: F6 C4 41 - test ah,41 "halo.exe"+B00A4: 75 05 - jne halo.exe+B00AB "halo.exe"+B00A6: 83 CA 02 - or edx,02 "halo.exe"+B00A9: EB 03 - jmp halo.exe+B00AE "halo.exe"+B00AB: 83 E2 FD - and edx,-03 "halo.exe"+B00AE: D9 86 E4 00 00 00 - fld dword ptr [esi+000000E4] "halo.exe"+B00B4: D8 1D D4 2B 67 00 - fcomp dword ptr [halo.exe+272BD4] }
"God Mode" Numpad 2
Скрытый текст
{ Game : halo.exe Version: Date : 2018-01-17 Author : Garik66 This script does blah blah blah } [ENABLE] aobscanmodule(God,halo.exe,D9