STAVROS, специально для проверенного заказчика : { Game : KB.exe Version: Date : 2016-01-20 Author : Garik66 This script does blah blah blah}[ENABLE]aobscanmodule(InfiniteMoveUnit,KB.exe,29 41 14 83 79 14 00) // should be uniquealloc(newmem,$1000)label(code)label(return)registersymbol(InfiniteMoveUnit)newmem: cmp [ecx+1cc],1 jne code xor eax,eaxcode: sub [ecx+14],eax cmp dword ptr [ecx+14],00 jmp returnInfiniteMoveUnit: jmp newmem nop nopreturn:[DISABLE]InfiniteMoveUnit: db 29 41 14 83 79 14 00unregistersymbol(InfiniteMoveUnit)dealloc(newmem){// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "KB.exe"+5E754"KB.exe"+5E732: 74 1A - je KB.exe+5E74E"KB.exe"+5E734: 8B 17 - mov edx,[edi]"KB.exe"+5E736: 8B 82 60 24 01 00 - mov eax,[edx+00012460]"KB.exe"+5E73C: 8B 4C 24 38 - mov ecx,[esp+38]"KB.exe"+5E740: 8B 4C B1 FC - mov ecx,[ecx+esi*4-04]"KB.exe"+5E744: 50 - push eax"KB.exe"+5E745: 8B 44 24 7C - mov eax,[esp+7C]"KB.exe"+5E749: E8 C2 8F 10 00 - call KB.exe+167710"KB.exe"+5E74E: 8B 53 08 - mov edx,[ebx+08]"KB.exe"+5E751: 8B 4A 70 - mov ecx,[edx+70]// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------"KB.exe"+5E754: 29 41 14 - sub [ecx+14],eax"KB.exe"+5E757: 83 79 14 00 - cmp dword ptr [ecx+14],00// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------"KB.exe"+5E75B: 7D 0D - jnl KB.exe+5E76A"KB.exe"+5E75D: 8B 43 08 - mov eax,[ebx+08]"KB.exe"+5E760: 8B 48 70 - mov ecx,[eax+70]"KB.exe"+5E763: C7 41 14 00 00 00 00 - mov [ecx+14],00000000"KB.exe"+5E76A: 8B 84 24 90 00 00 00 - mov eax,[esp+00000090]"KB.exe"+5E771: 33 F6 - xor esi,esi"KB.exe"+5E773: 3B C6 - cmp eax,esi"KB.exe"+5E775: 74 09 - je KB.exe+5E780"KB.exe"+5E777: 8B 53 08 - mov edx,[ebx+08]"KB.exe"+5E77A: 8B 4A 70 - mov ecx,[edx+70]} { Game : KB.exe Version: Date : 2016-01-20 Author : Garik66 This script does blah blah blah}[ENABLE]aobscanmodule(InitiativeUnits,KB.exe,8B 18 55 8B 6C 24 10) // should be uniquealloc(newmem,$1000)label(code)label(return)newmem: cmp [eax+170],1 jne code mov [eax],acode: mov ebx,[eax] push ebp mov ebp,[esp+10] jmp returnInitiativeUnits: jmp newmem nop nopreturn:registersymbol(InitiativeUnits)[DISABLE]InitiativeUnits: db 8B 18 55 8B 6C 24 10unregistersymbol(InitiativeUnits)dealloc(newmem){// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "KB.exe"+1F345"KB.exe"+1F338: CC - int 3 "KB.exe"+1F339: CC - int 3 "KB.exe"+1F33A: CC - int 3 "KB.exe"+1F33B: CC - int 3 "KB.exe"+1F33C: CC - int 3 "KB.exe"+1F33D: CC - int 3 "KB.exe"+1F33E: CC - int 3 "KB.exe"+1F33F: CC - int 3 "KB.exe"+1F340: 8B 44 24 04 - mov eax,[esp+04]"KB.exe"+1F344: 53 - push ebx// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------"KB.exe"+1F345: 8B 18 - mov ebx,[eax]"KB.exe"+1F347: 55 - push ebp"KB.exe"+1F348: 8B 6C 24 10 - mov ebp,[esp+10]// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------"KB.exe"+1F34C: 56 - push esi"KB.exe"+1F34D: 8B 70 08 - mov esi,[eax+08]"KB.exe"+1F350: 57 - push edi"KB.exe"+1F351: 8B FB - mov edi,ebx"KB.exe"+1F353: 85 F6 - test esi,esi"KB.exe"+1F355: 74 17 - je KB.exe+1F36E"KB.exe"+1F357: 55 - push ebp"KB.exe"+1F358: 57 - push edi"KB.exe"+1F359: 53 - push ebx"KB.exe"+1F35A: 8B C6 - mov eax,esi} { Game : KB.exe Version: Date : 2016-01-20 Author : Garik66 This script does blah blah blah}[ENABLE]aobscanmodule(GodMod,KB.exe,8B 49 0C 2B CB) // should be uniquealloc(newmem,$1000)label(code)label(return)label(OHK)registersymbol(OHK)registersymbol(GodMod)newmem: cmp [ecx+1cc],1 jne @f push [ecx+28] // 4 инструкции нужны, если скрипт не был подключен pop [ecx+0c] // перед боем для восстановления кол-ва юнитов и их push [ecx+10c] // ХР. pop [ecx+10] xor ebx,ebx jmp code@@: cmp [OHK],1 jne code add ebx,#1000000 // Поставил 1000000 на всякий случай вдруг у врага // Армия с суммарной ХР очень большой.code: mov ecx,[ecx+0c] sub ecx,ebx jmp returnOHK:dd 0GodMod: jmp newmemreturn:[DISABLE]GodMod: db 8B 49 0C 2B CBunregistersymbol(OHK)unregistersymbol(GodMod)dealloc(newmem){// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "KB.exe"+5A1CD"KB.exe"+5A1AC: 81 C2 00 00 C0 B4 - add edx,B4C00000"KB.exe"+5A1B2: 89 57 08 - mov [edi+08],edx"KB.exe"+5A1B5: 8B 46 70 - mov eax,[esi+70]"KB.exe"+5A1B8: 83 C0 50 - add eax,50"KB.exe"+5A1BB: 50 - push eax"KB.exe"+5A1BC: E8 7F 51 FC FF - call KB.exe+1F340"KB.exe"+5A1C1: 8B 4E 70 - mov ecx,[esi+70]"KB.exe"+5A1C4: 8B 51 10 - mov edx,[ecx+10]"KB.exe"+5A1C7: 89 57 14 - mov [edi+14],edx"KB.exe"+5A1CA: 8B 4E 70 - mov ecx,[esi+70]// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------"KB.exe"+5A1CD: 8B 49 0C - mov ecx,[ecx+0C]"KB.exe"+5A1D0: 2B CB - sub ecx,ebx// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------"KB.exe"+5A1D2: 89 4F 10 - mov [edi+10],ecx"KB.exe"+5A1D5: 85 C9 - test ecx,ecx"KB.exe"+5A1D7: 7F 1D - jg KB.exe+5A1F6"KB.exe"+5A1D9: 8D A4 24 00 00 00 00 - lea esp,[esp+00000000]"KB.exe"+5A1E0: FF 4F 14 - dec [edi+14]"KB.exe"+5A1E3: 8B 4F 14 - mov ecx,[edi+14]"KB.exe"+5A1E6: FF 47 0C - inc [edi+0C]"KB.exe"+5A1E9: 85 C9 - test ecx,ecx"KB.exe"+5A1EB: 7E 09 - jle KB.exe+5A1F6"KB.exe"+5A1ED: 01 47 10 - add [edi+10],eax}