Lineage II
Epic Tale of Aden: Episode 02 - Infinite Odyssey
DOWNLOAD [mirror] - $Revision: #21 $ + [ DEVMODE ] L2 exe + Engine.dll + Core.dll unpacked themida [ unpacked - AlisaCodeDragon ]
( NOGG) off game guard
change game port
Target engine.dll hex offset replace 00 68 3A 08 00 00 8B 1D - 2106 GAME PORT ( original )
00 68 0A 1A 00 00 8B 1D - 6666 GAME PORT ( new 1 )
00 68 05 0D 00 00 8B 1D - 3333 GAME PORT ( new 2 )
<------------------------------------------> !!! ATTENTION !!!
Start Game - Use l2_start.cmd ! Start DevMode - Use l2_devmode.cmd !
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