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METHOS стал победителем дня 1 февраля 2016

METHOS имел наиболее популярный контент!


9 Newbie

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2 130 просмотров профиля
  1. The 'disable call' template seems to have been removed, but the entry selections are still available. Not sure if 'nop' template works either, as I have never tried it. Checked previous versions, and the 'disable call' template is also not present. Am I overlooking something? Thanks!
  2. MasterGH- I appreciate the work that you are doing. Thank you.
  3. Please see below. You can change it however you like.
  4. I agree. It's not important - usually. But it is important if / when the signature fails. See my previous post. I provided a new plugin that includes this feature.
  5. Same as above...signatures are different...but AAMaker also does not support inject+offset. If 'Testing bytes' is not selected, the AOB signature should be the same as Cheat Engine's signature, I think: Cheat Engine: AAMaker: Thanks!
  6. The AOB signatures are different when comparing Cheat Engine signatures and AAmaker signatures. Sometimes, the signatures are longer, and sometimes the signatures are shorter: (example #1): (example #2): Thanks! EDIT : By the way, I added the 'cheatname' feature back in to the templates and changed a few things, if anyone is interested (note: I removed the 'cheatcode' feature, but you can add that back in, if you like): AOBScanModule: AOBScanModuleStealth: Download:
  7. Thanks, MasterGH. Good work! The AOBScanModule is beneficial because it allows you to scan ONLY the process that you specify. Because of this, the injection times are much, much faster than with AOBScan. Also, it allows for smaller AOB signatures, since all of the other modules are ignored.
  8. The aamaker.lua file contains the support links for Cheat Engine and Game Hack Lab: [EN] Technical support : http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?p=5645967 [RU] Техническая поддержка: http://forum.gamehacklab.ru/topic/1415-plugin-aa-maker-sozdanie-aa-skriptov The link for Game Hack Lab has since changed, however, so it needs to be updated.
  9. Yes, some of these issues have been discussed with MasterGH and others over at Cheat Engine forum. There are still some existing bugs that need to be resolved that go beyond my current skill level. Unfortunately, some of the injection issues seem to appear at random.
  10. Garik66- You must have the Stealthedit plugin installed and enabled under settings. Here is the latest version:
  11. Garik66- Can you please paste your error message so that I can use Google to translate? Thanks!
  12. I cannot seem to edit my previous post. The previous script has been removed. Updated plugin to allow 'Testing Bytes' option for AOBScanModule and AOBScanModuleStealth templates. Download Here
  13. -I did not see this feature included. Where can I find it? The AOB's that were generated by default inside of the scripts did not include any wildcards. Thanks!
  14. Garik66- I agree that while my additions are not necessary, expanding on this plugin is important. CE has a powerful array of byte scanner already integrated, so reinventing the wheel is not necessary. Expanding on this feature to intelligently include wildcards would be good, however. I think the advantage of a plugin like this, aside from the customization features, is the automation and efficiency that it offers. As SnedS91 mentioned in a previous post, incorporating universal templates for scripts like teleport, vacuum and fly mode et al. are all possible with this plugin. If all that is needed is to add a conditional jump for your filter or nop a function that handles gravity etc., this will save a lot of time and simply the process for many users. P.S. Sorry about the pictures in my previous post and sorry for typing in English. Thank you for this plugin.
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